
so, I am trying to implement a caching solution for my CI/CD (because, you know, BitBucket CI caching sucks ass big time). This time I was writing a module in Python. I spent 2 evenings in the evening building it, debugging and testing, implementing several features making it a flexible solution.

So, yesterday I had a pretty much well working version. Before pushing changes I wanted to drop the cache and give it another round of testing, just to be sure I was pushing a truly working code. I rm-rf the cache directory, restart the engine and I'm greeted with an error message saying the module I was working on cannot be found.


Out of a sudden the IDE stopped showing all the project files as well.

wtf happened....?

oh, of course.. I rm-rf'ed my project directory, not the cache directory. Deleting EVERYTHING I had.


I should not be working half-asleep

  • 3
  • 1
    Holy shit!!! My condolences! Few things are worse than losing something you’ve worked on!!!
  • 1
    Sorry for your loss. Been there done that, shit happens. Although each time I nuked my code it was surprisingly easy to rewrite it.

    No I don't do it often xD I think it happened twice or thrice(which is already a lot of times tbh).
  • 1
    Good thing you kept a healthy git history of all your changes so you can at least recover most of it, right? Right? :(
    Hopefully you don't need to start from scratch, that sucks
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