
The security/privacy blog.

Get ready for a new blog post, dark theme and a new domain name today!

Sorry, I love to announce stuff 😊

  • 4
    Get ready for the second comment on your 529th rant.
    //Announcing stuff is pun.....
  • 3
    @Alice Too badly not :P. As someone who likes Telegram a lot you might not like it by the way 😆
  • 1
    @Alice Ah fair enough
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  • 0
    @ewpratten What do you mean?
  • 1
    @ewpratten Oh and it'll be hours until it's online haha
  • 0
    @ewpratten Uhm what exactly is off about that? Those dates are right haha
  • 1
    05-12-2017 is after

    But I think the posts should be displayed in a descending order @linuxxx

    I'll just randomly throw this in: https://forum.xda-developers.com/an...
    Might be of interest by @linuxxx
  • 1
    @Forside As for the way I load posts in the overview right now (I do it highly inefficient, I admit that one 😅 it's easier to do it ascending imo.

    I'll have to rewrite that part anyways once I get more posts so that will be fixed in the not so distant future :)

    As for the link, I've read about wireguard, yes!
  • 1
    It's ok, we love your announcements
  • 1
    New domain :O
    It took me a week to memorize the old one, I even had to go through your rants to remember it last time :|
  • 1
    @gitpush The old one will remain as well!
  • 1
    @linuxxx great, please never delete or I will be lost :|
  • 2
    @linuxxx any room for an 'orderby' in the query? So that the most recent post are on the top of the page?
  • 1
    @incognito I'm using a very bad method for loading the index 😅
    Want to rewrite it but sql isn't a strong point of mine, would you have an idea on that one?
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    @linuxxx Can you show the source?
  • 2
    @linuxxx I'm going to assume you have a table called blog_posts in there you have the column id (created_at datetime is even better, but you can guess the latest post based on id) and message, (of course a few more but this will do)

    The following query will get your blog_post in the order newest first :

    # either created_at or id, or even
    # (but unnecessary) both

    Just hit me up if this is still unclear, I don't know your specific database setup 😉
  • 0
    Let me explain you that over Signal, it's too bad mention on here 😅
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