i'm trying to quit nicotine so this probably comes off as slightly psychotic but i hate when people add .. to every sentence they type.. as if.. they're pausing.. for dramatic effect.. or maybe.. some kind of passive aggression.. where they just can't.. fathom.. what you're even saying.. .............

  • 2
    1 dot is ok, 3 dots is ok, but 2 dots? What does that mean?
  • 1
    And when it's just three full stops instead of an actual ellipsis character that's just obscene.
  • 6
    @cafecortado They're trying to enumerate the parent directory.
  • 0
    i was hoping this form of communication would die off with the boomers
  • 1
    > "i'm trying to quit nicotine so this probably comes off as slightly psychotic"

    Be patient with your friends and family who notice the odd twitching you might be doing as your body adjusts.

    You'll have an urge to shout "WHAT THE F ARE YOU LOOKING AT!!?" and they'll turn away and say "nothing, nothing, sorry, sorry".

    Understand they don't know what is going on and you very likely won't feel the withdrawal symptoms manifesting.

    Good luck, and cancer sucks.
  • 1
    Maybe you're just... easily irritable because you're craving the nicotine.
  • 0
    It serves the same purpose that emoticons do. It adds emotion and meaning to text that is normaly not emotive. Adding it shows pondering/disappointment depending on the context. It's not a dramatic pause and it wont die off as long as It's useful, same as other textual emotes.
  • 0
    quit nicotine reading a book: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
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