My gf wants to learn programming, I lended her a C book but I feel guilty.

  • 4
    Why do you feel guilty?
  • 4
    You should've given her Python or something and help her out
  • 5
    Why don't you teach her yourself?
  • 2
    I was going to recommend Python before I saw the other comment. Really should go for that. It's what I started with~
  • 2
    Evil, but in the long run better I guess..
  • 2
    I choose C because I want she think more bitwise, I want she's a badass programmer and I want the best for her. She will learn that the abstraction it's not ever a bless and I wish her understands how things works and that there aren't library for all the problems and sometimes she has to hardcode the problem from sketch, thinking about the model and the implementation, to optimize and get better performances.
  • 1
    I'm guessing you feel bad because C sucks balls right
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  • 2
    C should be everyone's first language.
  • 1
    Should have given her PHP for dummies. It has very enjoyable code samples.
  • 1
    @Mitiko @Cyanite Agreed, Python is great because it's really intuitive and acts as a good confidence builder for those who don't think they can program while still being powerful enough to build real apps.
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