
Trying to hire entire IT department but you have a budget for a single person.

  • 5
    Those are radio buttons, you have to choose just one.
  • 1
    @cafecortado Thanks I’ll ask. So what are those ?
    Those are already checked, should I uncheck everything except one ?
  • 2
    @cafecortado I’m novice to those IT recriutment processes, seems you’re right that I need to pick because there is 2x more responsibilities for 10% time then it’s for 90% time.
  • 3
    It seems like a tech lead or architect role. It a should pay a lot.
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    @ars1 nah it’s mid wage and position, for tech lead they expect you to have couple years of experience on space station at least one successful landing on the moon and be able to build quantum computer at home
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    the irony is I did all that and I was a one person department and also I was paid half of beginner market rate

    hey did I mention I'm depressed
  • 2
    @vane ahhh, it’s one of those “rockstar programmer” gigs.
  • 1
    Does writing hello world style programs count as having Development Experience? Then you have a good chance of finding people with that
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    @jestdotty If you’re depressed you need some deep rest.
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    In all fairness, if they’re fine with familiarity instead of expertise, it just about makes sense. If I want to hire a whole department, its Kafka guy should know Kafka inside out. Given they wrote PostgreSQL as “PostGreSQL”, and they just require “development experience” without stating years of experience, it’s probably a former two-man company where main tech guy used all of those tools, then they ran out of capacity, and now they want to hire someone to help their main tech guy.
  • 1
    disturbing on soooo many levels:

    - Python plus (*)
    Is there some actual python spinoff that im unaware of (like IronPython) or does this poster not understand parentheses\spell check(which now includes grammar basics). Also, why is "Frameworks" on the next line, a colon away from definitively titling the following elements as a list of frameworks, or is the intent 'Python plus frameworks(*)'? there's way too much evidence for either side here.

    -Java, Springboot
    java AND spring boot or java spring boot? java is huge. How can you req something you cant even spell?

    - bitbucket OR git??? have they not even started the company\any dev or conceptualising to dev? if so, why specifically bitbucket?

    -spark -not typically used in early stages or small scale (no clue how this could be near that lvl)

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    -Databases (Oracle, Mongo, Dynamo, PostGreSQL)

    so SQL isnt database, but Oracle which is more an Orchestrator of dbs is... more importantly, what type of hell are they trying to create here??? mongodb, dynamodb, postgre and straight sql... then youre gonna shove those into, im assuming, mongodb>spark, dynamodb>AWS services, postgre>oracle... or oracle>postgre... SQL, the non-db... so maybe you're gonna make a giant web of scripts to convert syntax of all of this crap into SQL syntax??? where's MariaDB? and all of anaconda? isnt the goal to force as many strained compatibility dbs together into 1 pile of crazy?

    DBs\data architectures are my happy place... this dude somehow made DBs into some horrid hell collab with MC Escher.

    - APIs
    only unspecified RESTful matters
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    -XML, JSON... why are these 1 item... also if u didn't understand these, how tf could you dev anything? why not also req an understanding of .txt, animated gifs and the shift key?

    ignoring that its debatable as a message bus... am i missing some intricate configurability or nuances here? doesn't it kinda handle itself after very basic setup?

    - cloud
    "dockers" AND containers... also, not innately cloud

    -pipelines... ok

    -the UI curveball at the end... was this for a backend dev?

    sry-ish for the spam but this has to be some troll job post right???
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