People of devrant. Should I keep my laptop on charge while using it?

I set the max charge to 80%

  • 2
    I keep my Framework on the dock always and the UEFI/BIOS settings on it recommend keeping it at 60% for battery life ... I might switch it next time I reboot. I don't know how much it really matters though.
  • 4
    I have it always plugged in when I'm able to. My Laptop draws 180 watts under load, which it can't do, when not plugged in. The battery would be damaged by such a high load so it is not able to deliver full performance when running on battery.
  • 1
    Worst case scenario, you have to swap batteries. Big deal
  • 1
    I stopped caring about it. If the battery wants to die, so be it.
  • 3
    I'm counting on "hp adaptive battery optimizer", whatever that is.

    Pretty sure it doesn't actually do anything.
  • 1
    @Kernel keeping the battery fully charged all the time will also damage it
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