A new development rule I've started to implement:

All backend APIs will be written with the assumption that it's gonna get distributed as an API for 3rd parties to be integrated in their systems - meaning that every API I write will have proper response status codes for appropriate scenarios (like 400, 429, 500 status codes).

No more `res.json({status: false, message: 'message'})` with 200 status code across the board.

  • 5
    You mean "I'm gonna try to write less shitty code"? Gdgd
  • 3
    Bruh that’s standard API development, how else are developers supposed to get anything done otherwise?
  • 2
    So it was YOU responsible for all those APIs that fail with 200 xD xD xD xD

    200 OK
    'Not Ok'
  • 3
    @jestdotty you need to get checked out by a psychiatrist.

    Don't act like Americans and Europeans are like these "code superheroes" who always write perfect code.

    I've seen way more horrible shit written by these devs compared to Indian devs.
  • 0
    @atheist Yes sir, That's correct.
  • 0
    @Chewbanacas well it is, but my projects are usually closed down on the backend, just to be consumed by the frontend.

    The current project I'm working on might offer the backend API as a service, so I thought I better make this a habit of sending proper response codes, regardless of the situation.
  • 0
    @jestdotty Do you want me to make you leave devRant too??

    Already quit Matrix, don't make add devRant to the list.

    Go be with ping ping boii and Awesomeest at least they're the same mentally unstable people like yourself.
  • 0
    @jestdotty you didn't expect me to be a child - said by the person who literally quit Matrix group just because they got called out on their racism.

    I wish jokes wouldn't write themselves, tbh.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy mate, you have a population twice the size than the European Union and more than 3 times larger than the states. Statistically, there must be more idiots who produce shitty code in India. Given these facts, I think it to be quite condescending from you to believe that the Indian population is inherently better at coding than Europe or USA. On the positive side, it is much likely for @jestdotty to be referring to you, so don’t take it personally ;)
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