Good. I was cleaning my PC today and it won't start. Event for a millisecond. MB LED is lit, every cable is in the right place but nothing.

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    @ClemFrieckie no everything is right. I didnt event disconnect cables
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    @ClemFrieckie Well I finally figured out what was the problem. IDK how, but I had to somehow disconnect CMOS battery for a while so BIOS resetted and because my battery is pretty old now it somehow didnt start. I changed battery to one we have in kitchen scale and it works... WTF
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    You need to download more ram then 😘
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    @ArtNo I think 12GB is enough for CS:GO and PUBG. No need to upgrade...also it is DDR3 so I am not sure if it would be good idea
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    Sounds like you need to replace the CMOS battery. Super cheap, super quick fix.
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