
Last year, my current manager promised me a significant salary increase if I transferred to his team. He said that's because his department has bigger budget. So I did.

Today I received a notification for a 5% salary increase. 😂

I am a dummy for trusting him. 🤡
There's a reason why a lot of my former colleagues are no longer in the company.

Never fully trust your company folks!

  • 4
    I've never seen a manager keep a promise, or a company

    which begs the question why people keep falling for this. I got a friend who has rotated through 5 companies now and buying that they will pay him more... but they never do. and every time he gets pissed and depressed and feels like a fool, but then hears a promise and has hope on it and eats shit food and goes into credit card debt and then... they don't fucking raise him and he gets depressed and angry again. holy shit stop believing them, there's literally nothing to lose for them to lie to you, so they will keep lying to you, and every company is game-theory incentivized to lie to you, because there's no goddamned downside to it only upside.

    delayed gratification cultural push is an exploitation strategy

    if you wanna raise me do it now or I ain't buying it. the fact they're trying to bribe you is good, if they had the ability to give raise they have it now, so call their bluff and see if they would've had the ability or not
  • 2
    Unless it's in writing it don't mean shit...
  • 1
    A significant salary increase is equal new job/company.
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