
That '==true' is the only reason I won't buy this for my child 😂

  • 21
    The “stary” and the missing brace aren't?
  • 6
    @7400 missing braceS 😂😂
  • 4
    Needs a cry for attention function. And a wakeup at 2 am module
  • 10
    Also the braces in the if block are the wrong way around
  • 10
    In short - baby logic does not compile, because baby logic does not exist
  • 7
    Also, snake_case and arbitrary spacing around operators.
  • 5
    == true

  • 4
    Ughhh the smell of it. Moldy baby code
  • 2
    Ahh the missing space on line 4 bothers me to no end
  • 3
    Variables should be in camelCase
  • 2
    Theoretically this could end when still a baby is false and they could be crying forever.... Explains so many adults now...
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