'your good with computers right'?

Me: I work with one every day so I guess...

Can you fix a problem I have with my pc? (relatively old man, and I feel bad for him so I agreed)

Next day he had me fix 4 laptops (from his kids) and a Macbook of his own almost all had shady malware and were WAY behind of their windows updates... Like sub wannacry level...

Rip one of day of my vacation 😠

  • 23
    Wait. His MacBook was behind in Windows Updates? Goddamn
  • 3
    @ifti4425 goddamn indeed
  • 4
    And this is why I try not to be nice.

    Every time I'm nice, I get taken advantage of, or I'm out a good amount of time/money for absolutely nothing in return.

    And no, not even a "feel good." I often just feel used.
  • 3
    @Root I agree with you, sadly I find it very difficult to not be nice. I instantly feel like a dick and guilty
  • 2
    @Root Oh my God, so true. It's such a PITA and they just buy you a $5 beer at a bar instead of giving you fair sum of cash. I tell everyone I just Google issues or give my stuff to Geek Squad. Oh, and I straight up ignore their fucking emails 🤣
  • 3
    @g-m-f He's good with computers, not a prostitute
  • 1
    That's why I charge everyone when I fix shit. (Not my parents and brothers) most of the time "symbolic" amounts like lunch or 20€. They all seem to understand it and the request get less frequent
  • 2

    Doing things for people for free when they ask is being nice in the classical sense. The word nice comes from Latin nescius, foolish, ignorant.

    It has come to mean compassionate & polite, and in that way being nice is a good idea.

    But both of those qualities are NOT synonyms of being generous, they describe emotional/conversational demeanor.
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