
Every single stakeholder in my company tells me that I should be working on something different, every time I talk to them. For example - we've got some issues, that I've ranted on previously. I go to my manager, and tell him that it's going to take longer than I'd hoped, because the author of this part of the codebase wasn't familiar with functional programming or OOP, didn't document anything, and just generally produced an unmaintainable, borderline indescribable mess. The next guy after him made it all so much worse, because they're both a couple of tryhard douchebags, and I hope they fucking die. For real. I hope fire ants are involved.

Anyway, getting carried away there, whew. So I tell my manager that we'd be further ahead just replacing the code, because it's only doing a couple of things, and should not be so complex. He says "cool, but what you really need to be doing is rebuilding this other thing." So I switch gears and work on that other thing until I hit a point that requires the input of another stakeholder. I go to talk to this guy, and all hell breaks loose "why are you working on that, this is higher priority", and I explain the sequence of events. Manager denies having said what he said, I look like an asshole, yet again. Then the old "this should be simple, just change this" from the dudes who don't know code, and don't want to know. I try to explain, offer to show them precisely why their "simple ask" is anything but, but they just start screaming about how they hate technology. Yeah, well me fucking too. I keep hearing about how much "job security" I have, but man I'm going to lose my mind at this rate. I have seventeen motherfucking things that are "emergencies", and as many fucking dumb ass unintuitive workflows to go through to get them changed. All on production, because this place is fucking stupid. Just let me discard this shitty legacy code and be done with it already. FUCK.

Thank fucking fuck it's friday. In about six, seven hours, my goal is to be so fucking wasted that I can't feel my face. Get drunk, play with the dog, install a new distro on the desktop, maybe play a little guitar (the guitar is normal sized. It's not a ukulele or anything). Perfect friday night.

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    the problem is you're doing the job of the PM. you should be sheltered from stakeholder chaos, that is literally the job of the PM.
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    @spoiledgoods We allegedly have someone who is in that role, but I think there's a fundamental misunderstanding about the duties thereof. I think this person saw 'manager' in their title and decided that she gets to fuck off all day long
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    @nosoup4u sounds like the most Mickey Mouse organization I've ever heard. you're not even sure if the PM is a PM?

    sounds like there is zero accountability at this org so you could just fuck off all day as well haha
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    How to never trust a manager ever again...

    Maybe you should cya and send emails to every fucker who tells you what you should be working on. Directly to your manager and cc all the other fuckers.
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    I wouldn't explain myself

    make a task list in notepad or word or wherever
    log everything everyone says about every task in it (with dates and links in case shit gets toxic), and any difficulties you run into and what you discover you need to do (refactor, ask somebody something)
    if someone disagrees ignore them as irrelevant. these are your notes. stop trying to justify yourself and just do your tasks

    i'd suggest starting with the easiest to do ones first (or the ones most annoying to others to have to deal with)

    and also don't switch them unless it's legitimately important. that's probably how that codebase got so bad. get stickiness to current task. otherwise you won't finish anything. starting and dropping off is inefficient as fuck

    it'll become easier once you actually have stuff to hand in and they should stop bothering you then

    you're falling into the trap of letting others overwhelm you, to set your pace. you're a professional, act like it
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    @Demolishun I documented the fuck out of everything in GitHub tickets, years later that was place was amazed because it helped the devs that came after me and I became a myth

    then at a later job my lead dev kept deleting my comments off design documents and tickets if I made them. actually she also sent me blamey messages then would make me reply to them (if I didn't she would blow up the message app with insinuations or outright disrespectful comments), then she deleted her messages on slack and called in higher management to show the chat logs which just showed me replying to her "sarcastically" (as she told them) instead of addressing her comments. excellent

    so cover your ass. if they are toxic shits and have the ability to delete information they will.
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    @jestdotty sounds messy as hell holy shit

    not that u asked but a good, if not kinda disrespectful (that may be a plus here) method of curbing this behaviour is saying "oh geez! have you considered seeing a therapist?"

    i've been guilty of oversharing at work and got this line, felt salty at first, but then promptly checked myself
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    @spoiledgoods urge to tell people to get therapy is quite high quite often so I feel i'm biased thinking of it so much
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    @spoiledgoods yeah, it's pretty fucking dumb fr. And I definitely do fuck off plenty myself...spending time here and on youtube, going off "to talk to another department", and grabbing a 15 minute nap behind some boxes, etc. I give as good as I get. Were it not for the fact that I actually do have some job security....and that no one is actually fucking hiring, I'd have been gone months ago
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