AWS has left me completely defeated. GET requests to an ALB works fine but POST gives a bad gateway error. What the fuck?!

  • 4
    Sometimes I look back at my StackOverflow post history around the time I was building our entire backend on AWS microservices and shudder
  • 3
    There's no obligation that these two methods must behave the same way

    Your POST API on the underlying backend is doing something causing it to error out. Anything in the logs?
  • 0
    Get and post are innately different methods. Im not sure what would lead you to believe that their core functionality would be similar...

    Honestly, im very curious as to your train of thought. Im being literal-- not at all rhetorical here.
  • 2
    does the GET hit a cache? POST requests aren't usually cached, perhaps thats the difference in result.
  • 1
    I solved it- I'm an idiot and forgot to make an S3 bucket for that post requests' files.
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