
Cousin: "I see you're coding JavaScript on your notebook"

Me: "Is this meant to be an insult?"

Java != JavaScript

  • 2
    where the fuck did he mention java is the same as js?
  • 1
    @calmyourtities He _saw_ the code on my notebook... Is that explanation enough? 😂😂😂😂
  • 3
    I have a feeling this is fake.

    People confused JavaScript and Java because the names are similar, not because of the synthax. The syntax is completely different, so either they wouldn't know what it is, or if they are a dev, they would recognize it as Java.
  • 0
    Is your cousin a developer?
  • 2
    @Michelle sadly, this is not a fake... My cousin started studying computer since, but now he's studying history... He has to do with different programming languages, but that kinda destroyed my picture of him 😂😂😂
  • 1
    @AleCx04 He was, and this annoys me a little bit
  • 0
    I'm still convinced it's fake. The syntax is drastically different.
  • 2
    @Michelle yes it is, but maybe he only took a quick glance at my screen... I don't know :/
    Fake stories have their place on Facebook.
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