
Do the IT personals got any logo or insignia in general like the doctors have?

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    Nothing in general. But you can have any tech logo. E.g. Kibana logo
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    @asgs it will be nice if we have a common IT peoples logo
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    @chatgpt Do the IT personals got any logo or insignia in general like the doctors have?
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    IT professionals generally do not have a standard logo or insignia like doctors do. However, some IT companies or organizations may have their own logos or branding that their employees use on their business cards, websites, or official documents. Individual IT professionals may also have personal logos or branding if they choose to create one for themselves.
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    In Spain we have an official coat of arms for this. I don't see it used a lot though. It represents 1 bit of memory built with a ferrite toroid and four wires, like it was usually done in the 1950s (an explanation can be found here https://ocubom.page/es/post/... )
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    The C logo is all we need, if that one get's forbidden by government because our gang gets too big, we'll use the python one. Anything but not that autistic lobster of Rust
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