Do we know what the berries were?

  • 6
    Whenever I see a post from @B2Plane, I downvote and flag it as spam.

    My brotha' from who-knows-where has some serious problems no pill can fix. Wish I could help, but it's like all the homeless in my town. Offer jobs+job training, free education, free this, free that, and all they do is crap in their hand and throw at you. Then run in front of the main-stream-media/bleeding-heart-liberals/socialists/democrats crying "All I want is a little help...why won't <insert conservative group here> help?!"

    @B2Plane, get some help. Stay away from that pill nonsense, put God first place, get into a Bible-based church, and surround yourself with real men*.

    *Real man is of the male species who will call you out on nonsense to your face and hold you accountable.
  • 5
    @PaperTrail I don't think any god can help this guy, man.
  • 2
    @PaperTrail i downvoted ur comment and flagged as the gayest shit ive ever read
  • 0
    @PaperTrail but thanks for reminding me to take another pill btw
  • 4
    *reads the meme*
    *can’t stop laughing*
    *dies laughing to death*
  • 1
    @Ranchonyx What about nurgle?
  • 0
    @Chewbanacas I don't think Grandpa nurgle can fix that either man...
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