
Just figured out that a server configuration I made about 3 months ago resulted in one of our main sites being offline.

No one fucking noticed it.
For 3 fucking months.

  • 3
  • 7
    Low access waste-of-time sites

    Thats all we do here....

  • 2
    How did you notice? 🤔
  • 4
    A coworker that is working on it told me 😂
  • 3
    Haha, I love this. I had something simular. I project we hosted had shared css files with another project. They had the same design and somebody was to lazy to copy the file.(me)

    The project wich was hosting the css went offline a year ago. It took like 11 months to notice someone the design was slightly off for the live on.
  • 1
    Hahaha we’ve had stuff like that happen before. It’s awful...
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