Made a website and 4K final for university in 10 days with Angular, FastAPI, ArangoDB and docker. No prior experience with Typescript whatsoever. Sessions, User Management, data manipulation and a d3-force graph which doesn’t dance around like a fucking clown. I feel like a fucking god right now

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    Good that you choose python as backend. For small projects, check dataset python library. Fastest way to implement a db in your app
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    @retoor my problem is my ego. I have such crazy standards towards myself so that at times, even perfection isn’t good enough. Every article which presents concepts with ‘mySomething ’ makes me furious also for some reason. But that reflects in more areas in my life as well. When I started playing piano again, I said fuck the easy shit and challenge yourself and so I learned in sospiro from Liszt. And people ask me if I can play interstellar 😓
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    @Chewbanacas Nice. I wouldn't call it ego but it I did set bar to high for my projects deciding they weren't good enough for github. If I posted all, i would've have a huge collection and who cares if source could be better, nobody reads it to the fullest. Your readme must be nice and descriptive.

    I know a dev, not very good, but has a talent for documenting. And that lands jobs! On top, he looks like stereotype nerd.
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    @Chewbanacas un Sospiro? Bloody hell.

    I might have to dig that out and have another crack at it, you're giving me a case of pianist envy.
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    @donkulator hahaha there’re flaws still because if you don’t play this piece everyday, the performance degrades quite sharply. The notes I know by heart, but hitting the right keys is what degrades so sharply. But very rewarding nonetheless
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    " I feel like a fucking god right now"

    Was there any other real reason to program?

    We type what amounts to arcane incantations into a plastic brick, that uses magnetism and electricity, to form magic spells in a brick of silicon and iron, that makes another glowing brick light up and do stuff.

    Programming is either the closest thing to the firmware of reality or the closest thing to communing directly with the angels.

    I'm sure theres something in their about "words of power and knowing the True Names of ancient entities."
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    @Wisecrack word. My peers give me weird looks when I tell them programming is the closest a human in this plane can come to the arcane. They don’t understand.
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