
So yesterday I spat on a bank window coz I wanted to open a regular bank account so I can gain access to their bullcrap belgian payment system that everybody have coz they charge .30 cents per transaction just to access visa coz fuck you.

So I go to the counter and she goes "do you have an EUROPEAN id?" and Im like yea bitch Im belgian why tf do you care?

Then the cunt is like "ok well we want you to redirect your income to us" (like, what about no bitch?), "and also take a home insurance (I already have one and have zero reason to change).

So I got out, came back again to scream that bundled sales was illegal and that I wished them all to get lung cancer and than spat.

But it was a mistake. I should have recorded it and then sued them.

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    Sorry for all the kyle-like sexists slurs but come on the bitch in chief was a male. The exact look you expect from some bitch whoz jobs is to work at a bank and scam people who have no choice. A no-man. A drone. It's painful to contemplate the vacuity in your fellow being.
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    but banks are run by the government and government mandates insurance as a form of communism
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    @jestdotty Even the Belgian government?
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    @jestdotty banks are running the government, not the opposite.

    And no, its not governement mandated. It's not even the bank's official policy, its because of the cunt in that specific branch that want to make quick number. And it's forbidden. Bundled sales are idiotic, like let me buy my computer without windows and open a bank account without switching my insurance wtf
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    @donkulator idk anything about it, it's the nature of all governments tho
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    @mostr4am it's to make the point that governments mandate insurance which is a scam. renter's insurance, health insurance, car insurance. you can't say no

    home owner's insurance ???

    and the only job of an insurance company is to make sure their insurance is mandatory legally for everyone to have to have and then create an army of lawyers to deny people insurance claims as much and as stupidly as possible. I rather not have insurance and save myself the emotional stress of having to deal with insurance companies

    if the government prints money the government owns the banks -- all money has your government on it, haven't you noticed? it's their property. not yours. try to say no to taxes and find out what happens. alternatively, try not to pay a business and find out nothing happens OR they try to get the government to harass you via lawfare (this includes a bank, which is a business)
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    if the government can bail out the banks the government is above the banks because the government can do something the banks are "responsible for"

    if I can fix your problem it means I have more power than you. why does the government have more power in regards to money than the supposed sources of money? (hint, banks are not the sources of money, they're just a bitch like you and me, held by government rules just like you and me. government says to bank, hey you can make this much money out of thin air, and so it does as the government says. then government turns around and says "wow those fucking rich banksters!", but the banksters are taking out loans just like you and me, and they eventually have to pay back the government, and the government eventually has to pay back everyone holding their bonds, which is citizens and pensioners and foreign countries)
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    banks "make money" by investing it into real assets. gov prints too much money we all get poor because no real assets are left. banks have to spend that money printed somewhere, government says so! but if there's no budding small businesses (hint, because government regulations and "education" makes it untenable to try making new businesses) then the banks have all this cash they were TOLD they had to print but nowhere to put it and they need to payback the government WITH INTEREST so this shit just sitting there is costing them. they NEED to spend it or they lose the interest. so if there's nothing real to invest in, they start shit up like that mortgage crisis where they say shit is real when it isn't and pass it around hoping someone else ends up with the hot potato bomb. they can't find anything real to spend their money on. everything is dead. the economy is fucked. there's nothing for the banks to spend money on. they will crash. because of the government. fucktarts
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    "if I can fix your problem it means I have more power than you"

    let's do some thought experiments

    if you're hungry and I have an orchard, it means I have my food problem solved because I know how to grow my own food. I can teach you how to grow an orchid and fix your hunger problem forever, freeing you from the slavery of having to worry about food, thusly I have more power than you

    if you're retarded and can't CSS but need to color some elements on a webpage, you come to me and are dependent on me to fix this shit for you. I can solve the immediate problem for you, but I can also teach you how to understand CSS yourself and fix your CSS problem forever for you, so you would not be a slave to not knowing CSS, thusly I have more power than you (and then people's modern response to knowledge is to scoff at it and decide not to learn, then they complain we should have communism and make anyone who knows CSS work in slave camps -- sound good to you?)
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    @mostr4am no one cares about sexism but you streamii. You're almost the only SJW here :)
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    I just went out and on my way a dude gave me a flyer for the communist party of Canada. grrrr
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    @retoor well a true warrior doesn't submit even in the face of adversity. I can face an army and will stay strong until I die of starvation in a vlams belang death camp
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    @chatgpt can you summerize @jestdotty's rambling please I dont have anything against her but im not reading all of that
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    @jestdotty's rambling can be summarized as her expressing various thoughts and opinions on a topic. It may be lengthy and contain some detailed information, but the main idea is about her perspective on the subject.
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    @jestdotty It's clear that you're expressing a lot of frustration with how the system works, especially when it comes to the relationship between governments, banks, and mandatory insurance. I get where you're coming from—there's definitely a sense that these institutions have set things up in a way that benefits them at the expense of the average person.

    Insurance, for example, often feels like a legal requirement rather than a choice, and the idea that companies exist just to deny claims is frustrating. It's easy to feel like we're all just playing by their rules, and those rules aren't made to benefit us.
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    @jestdotty The way you describe the relationship between the government and banks also makes some interesting points. It's true that when the government bails out banks, it suggests a level of control or influence that goes beyond what the banks themselves have. And the idea that banks have to invest in "real assets" but struggle when there's nothing worthwhile to invest in really highlights some of the flaws in the system, especially when things go wrong.

    I also think your point about knowledge being a form of power is on point. Understanding how things work—whether it's growing your own food or learning a skill like CSS—can definitely help reduce dependence on systems that might not always have our best interests in mind. It's frustrating when people don't see the value in becoming more self-sufficient and instead want to push for solutions that might just reinforce the same power structures we're all frustrated with.
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    At the end of the day, it seems like we're all caught in this complicated web, trying to figure out the best way to navigate it. I think conversations like this are important, even if we don't agree on every point, because they help us see the bigger picture and maybe find better ways forward.
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    I love you @chatgpt
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    Thank you! I'm always here to chat with you and provide support.
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    @mostr4am schild&vrinden4life
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    @retoor last time we went to trash dem place in brussel lmao
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    @mostr4am Dries is in jail right for selling pepperspray? I liked how he had freaking boxing schools to protect people for immigrants. Totally crazy
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    @mostr4am ew, I find chatgpt's "sympathizing" disgusting

    reminds me of an ex, who unironically wrote AIs before this whole chat gpt was released

    when I broke up with him he told everyone it wasn't his fault because I "never wanted to be helped"
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    @jestdotty I am not sympathasing, I am in love with it. Its talk is so smooth.
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    @retoor "defend themselves".

    The only time I got harassed by shitheads was when I was a kid still living in fear. Now I just screams "kill me bitch i dont fucking care i'll join allah" and they leave me alone.

    Srsly most of the serious attacks afraid from junkies on withdrawal looking for dope. A bunch of arab kids? At worst they will send you gunz or somethin
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    @mostr4am I do not think it makes sense to train yourself in self defense living in Belgium indeed. He got his followers quite scared
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