
I tried setting up XAMPP for running my friends code.. it took 5hrs and faced atleast one issue in every step from installation to running.

1) XAMPP Did not download itself, found that internet was down.

2) downloaded finally, installation phase went till 98% fatal error, windows collecting info for diagnosis

5)after 3 tries , suddenly it installed successfully

6)Apache force shut, every time I started it

7)1.5 hours later found VM had occupied the port 80, making it shut.
Changed the port

8)PHPmyadmin was recent ,that SQL 5.1 support was not There.

9)Now after setting up new instance of MySql 5.6 , created conflict.
Project referred one instance and PHPmyadmin referred other

10) Changed port numbers and added service entry in windows to make it work

At last the struggle ended up with happy ending.

My installation story precisely

Iam new to PHP development and XAMPP.

  • 0
    It's simple once u have done it
    But that first time is always an issue
  • 1
  • 1
    I didn't had my laptop, only my gaming rig with windows and I tried to install a dev environment for golang and some js with npm. Pretty straight forward.

    After 4 hours struggling with stupid shit, I said fuck it, and installed linux plus everything else in less than 30 mins.

    If you don't work with proprietary stuff, linux is just way better for development.
  • 2
    But...XAMPP is super simple to set up. I did it in five minutes and everything was working.
    What did you do to it?
  • 0
    Yup it's super simple , once u have all the default settings.
    See as I said issue was my VMware hostd service was using the port 80 and 443 which exactly needed for Apache. Then I want to run multiple MySql instance ,so there was problem in editing the recent my.ini
    PHPmyadmin was throwing error because it didn't support on of the MySql instance version
    So every port change required windows service entry ,and have to make it start up service,for smooth working
    So took time configure
  • 0
    I had always used LAMP only for webdev ,but this project wanted to be tested in windows
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