Finally finished the blankets I was making for some of my friends’ kids. They’re supposed to make them look like little dragons but who knows if that’s what actually gonna end up happening 😂

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    Smaller blanket, front:
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    Smaller blanket: back
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    Slightly larger blanket: front
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    Slightly larger blanket: back
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    I imagine the larger one as a Limbo monster, a floppy sheet of flesh that's folded so many times that it's hard to tell how many sides it has, and all of its edges are lined with teeth.
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    they're fantastic
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    @lorentz Horrifying. You’re right, though, I picked a very unfortunate color palette
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    I'm sorry that I just went rapidfire plusplus on you this rant but those are damn fine blankets.
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    I genuinely think they're great, and I think someone with a less gory taste might not immediately associate to flesh
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    @lorentz Here’s hoping. I will have to resist the temptation to blurt out “I’m sorry I made your daughter a bloody skin suit with teeth! It was an accident!”

    (These are gifts for the kids on the event of the kids’ parents’ wedding lol)
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