
TODAY! Today in a fit of rage over my neighbor's construction I've super glued their door. I mean, they're basically making me wake up at 1am to work cuz I've a dislocated nerve on my ear and the noises literally turn to pain. So yeah, by 3am I thought, wtv, right? An eye for an eye and shit, so I glued that door shut.

Eagerly awaiting to hear that motherfucker's doorframe cracking. 8am can't come soon enough

  • 2
    How'd it go?
  • 0
    @lungdart the sound of it made my heart sing, afterwards I gloriously came over with a doctor's report to notify them that their illegal construction noises + my previous dislocated hearing nerve are making me deaf of one ear and that next time we talk we'll be joined by a cop it they don't get their shit together and properly follow construction law
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