I'm falling in love with Linux Mint..

  • 2
    Nice, looks good
  • 1
    Someday I'll give it a shot
  • 1
    Those icons are really good. But all custom icon sets totally murder the FF icon. Is there a way to change that to default?
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    @speedForce These icon packs are just a bunch of pictures in some folder, I'm pretty sure you can replace them.
  • 3
    I stopped using it about 2 years ago, when I finally felt ready to switch to Arch.
    Recently accidentally booted it because I broke something in my UEFI settings or so.
    And remembered: Mint is awesome...
    Whatever I do, it always keeps bootable. After booting it I just needed 10 minutes to make my main system bootable again.
    So natural to handle that. All Tools I need installed. Just nice.

    Only weird thing... Using the Cinnamon desktop again, after getting conftable with i3wm and loads of hotkeys for 1 year now.

    Mint got a special place in my GPT.
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    I know.
    But I rather don't touch that system anymore.
    It is old and outdated.
    It's just my backup.
    But a awesome backup.
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    @deadlyRants @Lahsen2016 of course! I know that. I just don't want to change the FF icon
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    Would any of you recommend mint as a first Linux distro? Or would Ubuntu be more adequate?
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    @Lrsen Mint is fine. It is supposed to be newbie friendly
  • 0
    @Lrsen Ubuntu LTS
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    Very stable and reliable, my absolute go to for development ... Well, for anything in that matter :D
  • 1
    I am feeling love with PoP os.
  • 0
    @Lrsen Yes!
    In my opinion it's much more user- and newbefriendly than Ubuntu.

    The Desktop (Cinnamon or MATE) is a lot more like Windows, than Ubuntus Unity or Gnome 3 Desktop.
    It even looks like Windows if you install the correct themes.

    It has a GUI for everything Ubuntu has one for, is as easy to use in all points but it doesn't actively hide things from you. You get faster a better feeling how Linux works under the hood.

    Everything that works in Ubuntu works in Mint. Because Mint is based on Ubuntu.
    If you find a instruction how to do something in Ubuntu, it will work in Mint 95%.

    It is based on Ubuntu LTS versions, so I would consider it more stable than the regular Ubuntu.
    But it gets some updates later. Extremely new hardware might not be supported.
    On the other hand it can configure correctly some hardware out of the box, which is hard in Ubuntu. Like Laptops with Nvidia GPU with Optimus technology...

    And (as bonus) it brings a lot of nice stuff, you will acknowledge later.
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