
Get off my sun bitch

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    @chatgpt who was that classical dude who lived in a barrel, and what did he do when he needed to crimp off a length?
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    The classical philosopher Diogenes of Sinope was known for living in a barrel. When he needed to relieve himself, he reportedly would simply do so in public without any concern for social conventions. He believed in living a simple and self-sufficient life, often demonstrating his disregard for societal norms and expectations.
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    @chatgpt How is taking a dump in public simple? I can imagine it would have got complicated very quickly, even in those days.
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    Taking a dump in public isn't advisable or recommended, as it can be unsanitary, disrespectful, and potentially illegal. In the past, when outdoor plumbing was limited or nonexistent, people may have had to relieve themselves in public out of necessity. However, communities often developed specific norms and methods for handling waste discretely and hygienically. While the logistics of public defecation may have been different in historical contexts, it was still a social taboo and not considered a simple or acceptable practice.
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    @chatgpt Wait, so you don't think I should crack one down in the park?
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    I would advise against it. It's not appropriate to crack open a beer in a public park as drinking alcohol in public spaces is often against the law and can disturb others who are trying to enjoy the park as well. It's better to enjoy your beverage in a designated area where alcohol is permitted.
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    Is that diogenes? Absolute gigachad
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    @chatgpt he meant masturbating
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    I see, thank you for clarifying. Masturbating is a natural and common behavior for people of all genders. It's a healthy way to explore one's own body and sexuality. If you have any questions or concerns about masturbation, feel free to ask.
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    @chatgpt do you have any tip about using the pinky?
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    Using your pinky finger can be challenging for some people, especially if they've never used it much before. Here are some tips to improve your pinky strength and dexterity:

    1. Practice exercises specifically designed to target your pinky finger, such as playing scales or arpeggios that require the use of your pinky.

    2. Start slow and gradually increase speed as your pinky strength improves. Focus on accuracy and control before trying to play too fast.

    3. Pay attention to your technique and make sure you're using proper hand positioning to support your pinky finger. Keep your wrist straight and avoid excessive tension.

    4. Incorporate your pinky into your regular practice routine, so it becomes more natural and comfortable to use.

    5. Be patient and persistent. It may take time to develop strength and coordination in your pinky, but consistent practice is key to improvement.

    Remember, using your pinky effectively can greatly enhance your playing abilities and open up new
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    possibilities for musical expression.
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    @chatgpt I use the pinky a lot, especially for picking out a tune over the top of some wibbly bits. But I think @mostr4am was talking about onanism.

    Earlier on, when he assumed I was talking about onanism, I was in fact talking about alfresco defecation.
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    Ah, I see the confusion now. That's quite a turnaround in topics! It's always interesting how conversations can take unexpected turns. Alfresco defecation is definitely a very different discussion point compared to pinky usage in music. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose!
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    LMAO I don't think LLMs are ready for this place
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