
I never liked cleaning my room.... usually the conversation goes like this

Dad: clean ur room
Me: meh... I'll do it later

$200 robot vacuum: clean ur room otherwise the crap on the floor will jam me
Me: ok ok... Give me a few mins

  • 12
    That's why you keep your room clean so it doesn't get dirty. I don't even remember that last time my room was dirty.
  • 5
    @Michelle so you don't leave things on the floor. Sometimes they just feel from the tables when the robot decided to bump into them...
  • 1
    Why are boys' rooms always so dirty?
  • 6
    @Root because we just care about functional, not nice looking
  • 0
    @billgates ... but the smell!
  • 2
    @Root no it doesnt, what i mean by dirty is i leave like papers on the floor and ok maybe some socks but theyre like clean.... its just they cant be on the floor when the robot comes in
  • 7
    @Root Sexism!!! *mock shock and pain*. My room is pretty neat.
  • 0
    @billgates fair enough, maybe yours isn't that bad. But almost every boy's room I've ever been in or walked by smelled like stinky socks and stale sweat. ick.

    @ThaOneDude 😅 it's true though!
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    @Root eewww... that would be bad....
  • 1
    My younger brother is 14 and the stench in his room is strong. It smells really bad, and I can hardly walk in their without holding my breath.
  • 4
    @Michelle the other thing though is maybe just natural?

  • 0
    @Root its probably not stale sweat what you smell, and those stinky socks are probably the same smell.
  • 1
    who knows why...... when we re-order our rooms we always lost something.

    I lost about 10 USB devices and a 3.5" hdd sata. (yes, a 3.5" and i don't know how)😡

    I like to say that my room is not disordered but I use a personal (secret) organizzation system.
  • 1
    @irene I meant more like your brother's odor may smell bad to only you so that you don't get attracted to him. And I guess in general men don't like the smell of other men unless they're wearing cologne?

    Just nature's way of ensuring proper procreation... But yes getting a bit off topic...
  • 0
    @billgates Except boy's rooms universally smell bad. If you're attracted to them, you just don't care -- or at least try not to.
  • 0
    @Root ok I'll admit I do not keep an air freshener in my room like my bathroom and I don't use cologne so my room isn't full of that leftover nice smell.
  • 6
    @Root @Michelle My room has a tactical advantage. If I were ever, say, running from the FBI, they would never be able to find me under the layers of random items I have entirely filling my room. Furthermore, the dogs would never be able to find me through the great number of smells that occupy the air.

    I'm prepared... Are you?
  • 2
    There's nothing good about a dirty room. You guys need some self discipline and clean it.
  • 1
    @Michelle Some of us do.
  • 1
    I know. By guys I mean everyone both females ans males. There are still girls who don't clean their room. But it's good that you clean your room!
  • 1
    @Michelle I just described one of the many things that are good about a dirty room?
  • 2
    It's just an excuse.
  • 1
    @Michelle It's a very realistic situation
  • 2
    @Michelle @AlgoRythm Yeah we have to be ready to go on the run at any time. Which is why I have a backpack full of essentials in my closet. Contents: Burner Phones, Food, Water, Prepaid Credit Cards, Clothes and a trusty swiss army knife.
  • 0
    That's a better idea than hoping for the FBI to trip over on the mess or not find you, which is unlikely. They aren't stupid. :/
  • 1
    @Michelle It has worked so far. Never been caught by the FBI before.
  • 3
    First threaten to kill the president and maybe then your streak will end. ;)
  • 3
    Trump will die!!

    *Hides in socks*
  • 3
    @AlgoRythm that's not really a threat, everyone dies eventually
  • 0
    Well males do sweat more so the stink is not wholly our fault
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