
I wonder if it's legal to intercept and redirect a drone hovering around your private property..

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    in most states its not. because the drone is private property and the air above your property doesnt belong to the home owner. not saying it doesn't happen or wouldnt be totally cool to try and take control of one though. lol. thought about buying my own drone and then trying to take control of it with a different unit.
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    Yeah.. Hell it's tempting though.. Watching them hover just above the flowers and plants kinda ticks me off to the point of wanting to wreck it with a baseball bat...
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    They can also pose a danger. I saw a monster one up close. Definitely could cause major damage.
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    with all that being said, flying the drones is amazing fun.
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    I think they are working on such tech to disable or kill around airports, I'm sure I read an article about it. If you can do it, I'm sure it could be a lucrative government contract.
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