You ever feel like you have too much responsibility at work for your experience level

  • 5
    No, the other way around!
  • 7
    No, quite the opposite: Far too much experience for the mind-numbing busywork I actually get assigned.

    I could fix most of the problems $work runs into (poor performance, scaling issues, batching, collisions, performance, timeouts without retries, performance, architecture, state management, performance) but they don’t want me to. I’m not a legendary golden boy, and I argue with the legendary golden boys. I’m also not one of their precious minority juniors who have been promoted far beyond their usefulness (to principal engineer / VP) and given teams to run. They’re in way over their heads, and given these issues to solve. And they fail *hard* at it.

    At least they pay me enough to buy popcorn.

    All of the issues I warn them about come to pass, and they seem to forget being earned about it or told how to avoid/solve them. And it’s really funny when those useless seniors/VPs can’t answer questions and need their underlings to come rescue them during huge meetings.
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    @Root warned*
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    it would be stressful if that happened cuz the things I find fun are the ones I wouldn't be able to predict estimates for and I would quickly hate if someone was asking me about and putting pressure on me for

    it's good when work is boring, then nobody makes a mess. if you want excitement do something else on the side
  • 1
    No, I have too much responsibility for my salary level
  • 1
    For quite some time, yea.
    Until I joined big, influential organisations and realised that nobody knowns what they're doing half the time. Then I felt overqualified 😅
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