
My employer forgot that I've been overseas for 6 months. Just, forgot.

  • 2
    Now where did I put that....?
  • 3
    Do you already feel appreciated?
  • 1
    Awthere were missing you... from memory.
  • 2
    @jestdotty I moved to Indonesia temporarily from the US, and work at night to match time zone. When I asked for an extension to this arrangement, they forgot I was here. :)
  • 2
    I wish I can do that.

    Many companies here in Germany allow you to work abroad a few weeks a year but only within EU.

    I want to work remotely outside of EU as well 🥲
  • 5
    Welcome to the business world! My direct supervisor of 5 years now still has a 5% chance of not remembering my name. That could be due to cultural differences though; but I always remember his and other co-workers of his culture.

    He always remembers I exist when there’s work to be done though.

    And he remembers me when promotions and pay increases are due, so I don’t care about the name thing.
  • 2
    @AlgoRythm "whats your name? Oh yeah, you're benjamin."

    and you're like "no, my name is.."

    and hes like "no shhh, shut the fuck up, your name is benjamin! Now take the money you whore!"

    And you're like "eh, I could do with more of these conversations."
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