
If Google was created in this criminal ai era, we would have been getting charged tokens and credits for each search, map distance covered or words translated

  • 3
    And nobody would use it
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    This AI era see a bunch of companies not making any money for now, so that’s just the beginning.
  • 1
    that wouldnt be very accessable
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    Google services are free for android users because they get money from spying on you. I would rather they not be able to spy and I pay a monthly fee for those services.
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    I mean... AI companies only charge per repsonse because it costs like 13 gazillion dollars to run their data centers for one second
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    Uh.. I wouldn't call them criminal for charging money. Almost all AI models run on awful Python codes, which are horrible, not optimized for performance, and is an interpreted language. Even those which were written in other languages are also horrible, due to their statistic and big data nature (instead of being actually clever/intelligent). They cost billions of money to run, and eat up more power than a whole town. Even when they charge you money, they are still going on a straight path to bankruptcy.
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    @jestdotty Worst than the government: private corporations.
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    I wonder what is your dream society then.

    I think pedophilia is universally condemned by the way.
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    They're gonna get their money's worth in 3-5 years just from the sheer volume of things people are willingly turning over to the AI.
    Data is gold. And we're handing it to these companies on an even bigger silver, no, golden spoon!
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    @jestdotty sell it to advertisers and insurances
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    @jestdotty influencing your behaviour by customized content
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