I know I rag on Javascript, but this is actually how I see it. It always did what I needed, but I am not enamored nor dismayed by it. I think the technology behind it is pretty cool too.

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    Python is fine.
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    I feel like Fine ans Shit should be swapped in this meme :)

    If you are unexperienced and dumb, you see it as shit. If you are very experienced and intelligent, you see it as shit.
    Most devs are quite regular with average experience and intelligence. And they find JS fine.
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    As long as you don't get hit by the many many weird gotcha in JS, then its fine.
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    I actually picked my brain a bit this week while dealing with bullshit nestjs and typeorm, and managed to shit out a decently half baked generic API controller with full typescript support, and without bullshit eval nor code gen tools.

    Kinda similar in concept to c++ variadic templates and anonymous classes.

    Managed to reduce my client's codebase size by 80%. (And secure me the gig longtime cuz I don't think their node devs can tinker with it on their own.

    Must agree that while, of course, dealing with clownshit was frustrating, as always, I kinda enjoyed the process, and now I can say I have a much more in depth knowledge of the shenanigans typescript does.
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    @magicMirror Kind of like trying to not get hit by water drops during a rain storm.
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    lmao, same. I just don't get what the endless complaining is about. Skill issue, maybe?
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    Every language has its place. JS is a very brief and syntactically elegant glue language. It’s excellent for mapping the data you got from the server into the UI. It’s also a good glue to get your DB a rest api. It’s reasonably fast for both roles.

    Node.js has a C++ module api for a reason. If you need to crunch numbers, just write your number crunching algo in C++ and connect it to Node as an external dependency. You can also spawn subprocesses in both node and browser. Right now I’m making an online image compressor, and the compressor part is written in C++ and compiled to WASM. It works fine and almost as fast as the same tool used as is from the terminal.

    You don’t judge a fish by its ability to climb trees.
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