I hope germany gets bombed with white phosphorus lmao

Why would the lebaneses be the only one to get it? It's simple fairness really

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    Imagine the smell of grilled german in the morning lmao
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    I have no quarrel with you bro. But if we want to make a win win out of this, you can go for the municipalities.
  • 4
    @antigermgerm hate speech and extremism is legally problematic for this platform. Please read the terms of usage and stop.

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    @NoMad nah, it's almost only this guy under different names and Germans are not a minority :P Germans are kinda free canon fuel. I don't think hate speech is a problem on the platform. Give it a few days, it'll fade.

    Sadly, I've learned what white phosphorus us, stuff that I prefer not learn about. Such knowledge poisons the mind
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    @NoMad germany send weapons to a rogue country and is thus in contravention with the genevas convention. I am not morally obligated to obey the laws of a country who's external affair minister is openly calling to nuance the international legislation against genocide.

    They can sue themselves
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    @retoor I don't care either way, but I care about those underdeveloped fucks who end up reading shit he posts and take it as "no one said no, so they must all agree" and go on to do something extremely stupid. (Or he loses the remainder of his mind and does it himself)
    This platform is more public than fucking reddit. I don't normally engage in shitposting and trolling, but extreme cases really need to be stopped or talked against.
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    @antigerm22 take it up with your local representative. Go nominate yourself for EU parliament, stage a demonstration, do something other than harassing civilians.
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    Ah yes tiktop is the reason why I think Beyrouth shouldnt get bombed with white phosphorus.

    What a fucked up country seriously
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    @NoMad representative politics is a myth darling. Only direct action works
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    @NoMad the UE parlement is fucking useless. They only have consulative power on a lot of matter. Ursula the which is running the show and they are coopted, not elected. Each head of governement, weather his allegiance, is picking the same technocrat to govern the commission.

    I know coz my mum dated a dude from the parliement. They are a waste of tax money.
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    @NoMad And finally, as a civilian, I'm very sorry you are getting harassed, but, again, some civilians are getting bombed with chemical weapons so you seeing mean things on the internet is the least you can take.

    No offense.
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