
Work does not make me wealthy.

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    Salary doesn’t make anyone wealthy. It allows you to survive just enough to continue working, and no more.
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    it made me imprisoned
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    I was financial quite happy - only didn't had much time to spend 😂 Now have an ocean of time. If time was money, I would be millionaire
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    @retoor maybe you can do my job and we split the money
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    @nazideadnazi I can write a botnet for you that nukes whole devrant in python for 300,-. In C 600,-
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    @retoor no im talking about my real job.

    It's fun, you get to watch sport all day while you work on the video tools
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    @nazideadnazi imagine working in porn industry
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    @retoor they actually have a website that's just videos of puppies and kittens and they test it on that

    source: graduated with people who now work at pornhub. their HQ is in my city
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    @jestdotty I recently watched an interview with a ph dev and he told otherwise. Just the real content, just on workplace. Maybe they're both right or there are different environments
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    @retoor hmmmmmm... probably different departments I guess. or mine is a funny rumour

    sounds ridiculous though. it being actual porn would be so distracting

    I do hear pornhub has good parties tho. I appreciate alcohol and fun
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