Okay so my last idea has one big problem: I need to project vertices into a single space which encompasses an entire hemisphere. AND straight lines need to remain straight when projected.

That's not something a typical projection matrix can do. Damn. I'm thinking maybe something like octahedral projection? [1]

But I'm not sure there's an answer. Else I would have to chop up the hemisphere into parts and try rastering each tri for each view. Ugh, that sucks

[1] https://researchgate.net/figure/...

  • 4
    I'm just gonna upvote you for math

    I miss games programming. damn the math is sexy. the optimizations. pure. unduplicated. finding least operationalized maths. mrreeeow. talk about code golfing.

    I'm high off the mildest stimulants ever I think. I feel drunk

    I don't understand your words though but that doesn't matter. maybe one day I could develop a vocabulary again, and have the time to disappear like a crazy person into the night coding some dumb shit that didn't need to be made and amounts to nothing other than feeding my conceptual aesthetic hunger
  • 2
    @jestdotty are you upvoting for math or meth? ;-)
  • 2
    @Demolishun Hey, maybe both ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 1
    @Demolishun actually meth and math might go well together

    in my sickness and brain troubles I researched different neurotransmitters

    glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter that make brain go fast
    people who have higher amounts are better at math
    Russians think busted recycling mechanism of glutamate is what causes autism (it also causes those small pupils autists have, and the anxiety they give off for me if I empathize with their body language), hence probably leads to that whole idiot savant syndrome

    anyway I don't know if meth increases glutamate but wouldn't surprise me



    evidently leads to higher addiction proneness to meth so I'd guess yes

    ha meth turns off glutamate and re-specs you to gaba instead (which is actually good... too much glutamate causes brain damage and gaba is protective instead): https://today.ucsd.edu/story/...
  • 0
    @jestdotty an Apple processor is still a shit processor even when it is faster. :-)
  • 1
    @Demolishun wellll the thing with biological systems is they're amazingly adaptive as fuck. technology doesn't grow and adapt it just suffers wear and tear. biological systems or what biologists actually define as "life" is actually exclusively by its definition a system that adapts by experiencing wear and tear

    so actually you can stress yourself into exponential growth if you're wise

    that article advocates for eating an anti-psychotic medication but you can actually just put tumeric in your food to increase gaba. a lot of the covid injured people advocated for tumeric helping, along with some weirdos I've met over the years... it probably helps prevent caffeine induced brain damage as well. I put it in coffee before and it tastes pretty good actually, but I don't feel it like others seem to. still, protective vs brain damage? may as well!
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    @jestdotty so I got some organic fruit powder shit to put in my smoothies. They sent me this weird 5 mushroom coffee I haven't tried yet as a sample.
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    @Demolishun ooooh

    I've been taking too many drugs I can't tell you much

    just ate some cysteine. def something made me get better but I keep going on and off so many drugs that I can't tell you

    also my skin is amazing in a whole different way for the third damned time

    I got a photoberry mix I actually liked but I need to find the time in my daily schedule to shovel it in my mouth. for the time being I've been taking n-acetyl cysteine pills instead, which your body converts to glutathione which is like the godfather of all antioxidants. cures agent orange and painkiller overdoses and all that

    and last few days been drinking this cow proteins mix that's got colostrum in it. among other shit. but gonna stop for now because I don't know if my brain improved due to... a month for eating liver so maybe I'm just not vitamin A deficient now, the cysteine, or the cow proteins mix. to say nothing about the brain drugs I've been taking consistently for once.

    I am a chemistry experiment
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    @Demolishun oh yeah ok mushrooms mixes

    so lion's mane is great for brain, undoubtedly in there. causes neurogenesis. it's also used for digestion historically for some reason ?

    cordyceps makes people feel like they get reborn. it has some interesting properties, it seems to allow oxygenation to occur better but it also seems to be antiviral and mimics a RNA protein. the RNA protein mimicry results in it being used by viruses and then they can't replicate properly. so actually in theory, because it enters your cells, you could kill latent viruses with itm it also kills COVID because everything does

    and turkey tail literally cures cancer lol. I actually couldn't take this one. I bought a whole dedicated bottle and it's super expensive, but interestingly it flared up my issues. sure it has nothing to do with all the occurrence of turbo cancers in the vaccinated (theory being, body can't turn on anti cancer mechanisms)

    I forget the other mushrooms. not sure I noticed them
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