
what do you listen to (music, podcasts, etc...) while coding?

being a musician, i find it difficult to listen to music while coding because i find myself concentrating on the music instead.

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    I usually listen to music. I find myself in the same position as you when listening to podcasts, because I get intrigued by what they say.
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    I always listen to the Triforce podcast by the Yogscast or depending what developmemt I'm doing, I chuck in some metal with alternative rock and come on Eileen thrown in šŸ‘Œ
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    @Osyx i have tinnitus so i'm used to background noises (AC, fans, HDD screeching ummm, GPU coil whine is my favorite) so when coding in a quite environment (at work when my boss isn't yelling) i had to learn to listen to something, otherwise i'll go crazy.
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    @lxmcf niiice, i usually listen to vgm because it's somehow not distracting (morrowind, skyrim...)
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    @outman Ah I see, so you settled for podcasts then?
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    @outman Ah I saw your comment now, yeah bgm can be great! I listen to those every now and then too, I like them because they usually are pretty soothing.
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    @Osyx mostly yeah, but i do listen to music as well because it's fun to challenge/torture myself
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    @outman haha, I see
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    Youtube.com -> Server room noise 10h or some other ambients, or death metal sometimes but im musican too so i concentrate on rhytm etc
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    i usually listen to rock/metal, but listen to chillstep/psychedelic trance for coding. some of my friends prefer movie soundtracks for work. i guess you need to try out different genres. ambient or classical music might work for you!
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    Jazz, vaporwave, acid house, death metal, trap, math rock.
    Edit: lately I've been enjoying lo-fi hip hop. Beautiful.
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    Oboist here, I can only listen to piano music, and it has to be calm and not too fast.

    Anything else caps my thinking, so unless I am working on something that has been fully planned out and requires no further thinking, I can only handle my piano music.

    šŸ’œ Spotify play lists
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    Today I have mostly been listening to Noisia radio on Mixcloud
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    French/funky house and various breakdance mixes. Usually on SoundCloud. Reasoning: perfectly block openspace office sounds. Regular beats improve energy. Funky songs these pieces are composed from improve mood and energy. Fairly constant tempo and uncomplicated melodies that repeat itself won't distract you. Mixes that are around an hour long are composed so smooth that you don't really notice song changes at all while still benefiting from variety of them. Side effects: you'll start moving a bit to the beat after a while - this may look strange to some colleagues/customers. Beautiful office assistants "feel" you because they attend rave parties at weekends :D
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    Depending on the task, i sometimes listen to music and sometimes don't... But yesterday i randomly played some amon amarth cause i wanted to try them and didn't have anything else new to listen to and it was wired cause i don't listen much any metal let alone death metal but i liked it and it was also productive!!
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    J-Rock, J- pop, rock, indie, pop Anime Ost or other soundtracks. I also like classic or calm music for coding (is less distracting sometimes).
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    Mostly music, but I have a couple of weekly podcasts I listen to when the music gets boring or occasionally I'll listen to an esports event in the background. Cooptional podcast usually helps Friday afternoons fly by!
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    I generally go through multiple genres at work depending on type of task... Everything from rap to rnb to thrash metal and power metal. I code better with music on šŸ˜…
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    Music- mostly rap / hip-hop
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    TES V Skyrim Soundtrack on youtube:

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