
Fuckdev: I heard people were having meltdowns in certain more political corners of the interwebz, you figure out why, and so I went to read a little bit to see what was going on.

Truth be told, I did not expect this wild mask-off type shit, but it's interesting nonetheless. Malcolm X was proven right once again. I mean el Hajj Malek el Shabazz, dude. These bitches are indeed like foxes, showing their teeth but pretending to smile.

I'd feel bad for the poor fucks, hadn't they come out swinging against immigrants with a copy of Mein Kampf. Not so disgusted by the dextral folks, then? Sinister!

Anyway, having bore witness to such undeniable proof of their conceited wickedness, which makes them more than ever indistinguishable from what they merely *claim* to oppose, I am now at ease for thinking that the B-52 bomber with pride flag meme was kinda funny.

  • 4
    communists are the most vicious people

    watching that debate they put Joe Biden into vs trump was just horrific. they're truly vicious people. how could you do that to an old man. it was disgusting

    I always heard they were vicious, I've never seen it before. now I see it. it's disturbing
  • 4
    ala immigrants, they never cared, it was just convenient
  • 1
    @jestdotty lmao, they absolutely went from protesting deportations to being all for it. Like what?

    The point is, from what I can gather, these schmucks are considered "left" in the US, but the shit they're pulling disproves it -- the lie has been conclusively exposed, once and for all. Election drama is always dull and stupid, but this time man, this time we're stacking screenshots to the ceiling. Accountability police going to be busy over the next few years.

    But you know what I think should happen? An *actual* radical swing to the left. None of that liberal bullshit, I'm talking AK-47 and Che Guevara up in this bitch. Doing it for real. Then we can point at their elected figurehead and say THAT is a fucking communist.

    Until then, it's just nazis vs rainbow nazis.
  • 0

    > watching that debate they put Joe Biden into vs trump was just horrific.

    You're always the funniest jestie. Did you know that debate had been personally ordered by stalin himself?
  • 0
    @jestdotty > how could you do that to an old man.

    Which one? They both wear diapers.
  • 1

    There is no such thing as "left" and "right". The place people sat in the the parliement in 1789 shouldn't not guide our political thinking.

    Liberals have nothing to do with socialists. American liberals don't care about violence and oppression. They just want not to have to fight against it, so they externalize it to the middle east.

    They can take a posture against genocide if it makes them feel good, but they will draw the line if it hurts the nasdaq. Those bombs are not gonna sell themselves.
  • 0

    I heard some call it the racial pact.
  • 0
    @jestdotty I'm not left-wing myself, so you could argue that I don't know what "left" means either. Go figure. But anyhoo, I'm joking -- obviously I don't support revolutionary insurrections.

    Or do I? ;>

    As for your question: look up the french revolution -- absolute fucking bloodbath. Who's condeming that? Nobody. Some even celebrate it. Is it evil to execute citizen Louis Capet by guillotine? You tell me.

    So *when* is killing evil? That's the question. And since I've already mentioned France, maybe look into what the french did in Algeria.

    What do I believe? Surah el Hajj verse 39.
  • 1
    @Liebranca the french revolution is a tough one. Coz let's be honest, the king had one head too much and deserved it. It was the rise out of feudality and the proof that people could topple the system. They did outlaw slavery (in france itself irrc) and they did a lot of good imho.

    On the other hand, it got coopted by the bourgeois / city people, and they did awful shit. Especially to the peasantry, where things were different than in cities and people were still very attached to religion.

    It was also the start of the colonial empire and the idea that the metropolis was more civilized than the rest of the world still living under feudality.

    So yeah, nuanced result there.
  • 1
    @antigermgerm peasants everywhere...

    Let's see where this discussion is going.

    For one is an immigrant a hard working person who speak the country's language within month. For others it is a person that blast music on speakers in trains, busses and burn cars in the weekend...

    Here in the city, and you go to a local grocery store. It is very rare to hear people speak the native language of this country. That is just sad.
  • 0
    @Grumm Yeah, people attach weird ass connotations to moving from one country to another, as if that made one a kind of mystical "other" or some shit. Weirds me out.

    No, I just find it remarkable how the political block most notorious for utilizing "minority" as a rhetorical resource was this fucking quick to scapegoat. Strikes me as all around messed up.

    @dissolvedgirl From "guns kill people" to "I KILL PEOPLE WITH GUNS"!

    It's like poetry, it rhymes. Or something. It's a nice example of what I'm saying alright, people doing 180º like that in a fraction of a second. Just wild.

    Never tried aiming in the dark but it sounds tough, more so if it's not in a city. I used to crawl through camp trying to suprise the guy who stood watch on the hill when I was in the boyscouts. In my defense I was like seven, and we were playing a game. Anyway, he always spotted me, but only when I got close, and I'm a pretty lousy sneak.
  • 0
    @Grumm the native language of what? I'm waloon, my native language is extinct. Now everybody speaks fucking french because of fucking french immigrants. Fucking hell invaders should go back to their goddamn country I fully agree with that.

    Ship the germans, brits and other francks east where they came from. Give europe back to its native celtic population.

    Same thing with america and canada and all the brits and germ. Ship them back and give it back to the first nations.
  • 1
    @antigermgerm Hmm, but do we want all the American's back to their origin ? I hope there aren't to many Belgian people there. But UK and France will have a big problem when millions are coming back xD

    @Liebranca it is also terrifying. And now there is a president who has power to do crazy shit (based on his speeches)

    Let me start digging a hole with internet and see you all in 20 years...
  • 0
    @Grumm Meh they are used to it. They got kicked out of their other colonies.
  • 2
    It's both funny and frightening how removed from reality some of these far lefties really are

    Everything they accuse you of, they are doing themselves

    Everything they say is the opposite of reality
  • 0
    @Grumm also the british and franks are germans. They came from russia.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat whatever ruski go suck a putin's dick you germ.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat Whereas you sir are always 100% right. Everything you say is full of wisdom and intelligence. Your worldview is clear as the biggest diamond. It's a good thing the supreme leader is there to guide the world and defend us against hollywood pedophiles innit?
  • 0
    @antigermgerm you are going to far back I think... In the end, we all came from the same water and fish. (Or is this already to unbelievable and not true because of that one true god) I don't want to offend people here (⊙ˍ⊙)
  • 0
    @Grumm exactly. I'm a sailor. We should leave land and live upon the water like jesus.

    My grand grandpa used to live 10 months a year fishing ashore of newfoundland.
  • 0
    @antigermgerm Not everything I say is correct, I also suffer from bias like everyone else

    The difference is, I base my ideas on reality, so when they are wrong they are at least not THAT wrong

    These people's ideas aren't even connected to reality, so they are just wrong by default
  • 0
    @12bitfloat ah yes that sounds like a healthy conception to have.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat there's a whole debate about machiavelism you know. Realism is the cause of a lot of suffering.
  • 0
    @antigermgerm We've already argued and I've poked huge logical holes into a lot of your arguments, so I'd say I'm not entirely incorrect
  • 0
    @antigermgerm Remember the thing about genocide being bad? Until it wasn't? That one was funny
  • 1
    @12bitfloat yea whatever im exhausted I need a waffle.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat you get the difference between real life events and me rambling on an obscure website, yes? Nobody's gonna kill germans, quit whining.
  • 0
    @antigermgerm Man, I'd like a waffle right now. With sugar and cinnamon and a little bit of nutella 😋
  • 0
    @12bitfloat nutella??????????
  • 0
    @antigermgerm Man what the hell. You really don't like nutella!?
  • 1
    @12bitfloat on pancakes. Waffles must be consumed alone to get all the flavour from the waffles.

    My dad used to be a baker.

    Anyway you do you
  • 0
    @antigermgerm Fair enough. Do you put some buttermilk in your pancakes? That shit goes crazy
  • 0
    @Grumm Oh, absolutely, don't get me wrong: I know the man is bad news. He attempted a coup, as I recall. Shouldn't he be in jail?

    But I'm a foreigner, and I don't expect changes to US foreign policy; I've never seen it happen. My opinion on every one of their presidents that were elected in my lifetime, based on how they meddled, destabilized and of course bombed other countries, is roughly equivalent.

    People *within* the US are frightened of having to live through a mere microscopic fraction of what their government has historically inflicted on other nations. As to how this fear translates to spewing hateful vile towards immigrants for not sucking their cock hard enough, eh, let's leave that one as an exercise.

    PS: everything and everyone originating from a single point is consistent with both abrahamic teaching and what I understand is the scientific consensus. By both accounts, everyone is related if we go far back enough in time.
  • 2
    Ah fuck, here goes ostream ruining the fucking thread again.
  • 0
    @Liebranca have you tried cinamon waffle? Warm and soft and delicious
  • 0
    @Liebranca when my mum's dad went to the hospital for the last time, the last thing he saw on tv was the plant he built in bassorah still standing among the ruins from the american bombing.
  • 0
    @antigermgerm Bruh you were just saying you don't put anything on there

    I feel betrayed and lied to
  • 0
    @12bitfloat nah the cinnamon is IN the waffle. In the dough. And the sugar too so it's caramelized alltogether.
  • 0
    @antigermgerm Okay I forgive you
  • 0
    @Grumm the origin, of what we know about, was aboriginals over 50K years ago in the Americas. The Asians came in and wiped all of them out like 7K years ago. So native Americans were not original. Possibly even the aboriginals were not original. Before that was probably some aliens on vacation. Then this place, the Earth, became a shit hole. Then they started probing the shit outta us!
  • 0
    @Demolishun did you know most germans have a higher neenderthal DNA than the rest of humans?
  • 0
    @antigermgerm I heard a sasquatch was living with some russians.
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