
We are in AI era but screen readers and softwares for disabled people are still immensely retarded, so we still have to do accessibility by hand, now enforced by EU.

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    Will come, they're just still finding out how to monetize it prolly
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    Software for retarded people are still immensely disabled.
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    @retoor retarded people have no money silly. Unless maybe we can expose them in a zoo or something
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    @retoor Taxes are paying for this in Europe. That sounds like a perfectly working business model. At least it would be used for something useful for once.
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    @Tounai maybe the screen reader is fine for those people. What should AI add? How can it optimize a screen reader?
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    @retoor It requires developers to make applications in a way that they are readable by screen readers which is remotely impossible nowadays, long, boring to do and adds very little value to the product.
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    @Tounai ah, so AI could be a screenreader that works on non optimized applications. Would be nice and I think AI can already determine what buttons / sections on screen are. Nothing is stopping you for making it
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    @Tounai Very few people would use a screen narrator, it would be more viable to develop a specialist device for disabled people and that should be developed by large companies, let them pull their weight for awhile. instead of trying to be tyrants.

    What do you mean by "enforced by the EU"?
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    software for abled people doesn't even work these days
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    We are not in an "AI" era... We're in an ai hype train maybe, but nothing era defining happened yet. AI era will happen when everything is actually done by AI.
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    @bazmd The European Accessibility Act
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    It is enforced all wrong. After all, how much money do I waste on a feature for naught point zero zero etc. one percent of my customer base?

    How would enforcement really work? Well, require an open API. All information there. And it must be free to use for everyone who uses this API to add accessibility.

    Because accessibility is not the same. It is different for someone who has Parkinson to someone who is blind to someone who is dyslexic. That allows for special versions and companies specialized into making other products accessible, allows for a better interconnected web and frees me, the company owner, from caring about the .0000001% of customer base when I wouldn't even think it is economical to add something to my web app just because 1% of my users want it.
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    I've read through it. They should probably stop with all this crazy regulatory nonsense before other European countries leave the union lol


    "If meeting the EAA requirements would impose a “disproportionate burden” on a business, and if it can demonstrate that compliance is not reasonably possible, an exception may apply. Additionally, microenterprises are exempt from these requirements."

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    It’s the EU tho. A bunch of old bureaucrats who don’t understand a single thing about anything so they create norms out of the blue.
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    I am not excusing anything, they should all be fired.
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    The problem is that the structure is in favour of putting old, ignorant people in power. Perception won’t change that.
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    @jestdotty the UE commission (aka its executive power, think prime minister cabinet / governement) is not elected. It's a coopted position. So it's always the same crony politician picking the same people regardless of what people have actually voted for.

    Also the parliament is a fucking joke. People go there to get drunk for cheap. There's the mickey bar with 1 euros for a cup of champagne deal. It's called like that because of the funny chairs. If you wanna be rich, work for the UE. They don't even pay taxes.
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