
I was curious what's the current demand ranking of programming languages and found this. Calling SQL a programming language and putting iOS instead of Swift makes the ranking not credible in my opinion.

  • 7
    At least there isn’t HTML on the chart...
  • 0
    Can you link it?
  • 2
    @FrodoSwaggins My company uses mostly Java for all of our products. The only things that aren't are our web based products.
  • 4
    @FrodoSwaggins maybe look at programming companies then
  • 0
    I thought Java script would give a lead for all other Lang!

    Unfortunately it isn't I think
  • 0
    @FrodoSwaggins whaaaat ?
  • 0
    @R3zz0R my exact thoughts 😂

    @andros705 it is language, I agree, but not programing language.

    @jhh2450 article itself is old, it just came up as first link on google: http://codingdojo.com/blog/...

    @FrodoSwaggins as I said above, it is outdated
  • 1
    @FrodoSwaggins I write in java at my work
  • 1
    I think the biggest surprise for me is "higher demand" for Perl that PHP.
  • 2
    @FrodoSwaggins Java still remains the top language on the TIOBE index as well along with C
  • 3
    @FrodoSwaggins aint socal that place where every company is a startup and have to develop subpar apps with js just to shit out content faster?

    I mean, just askin.

    Edit: also just for the record, im kinda afraid of going to job faires after the last one where i had 3-4 recruiters talking to me at once at any given time after i told ONE that im kinda looking for a java job
  • 5
    @FrodoSwaggins no clue where you live man. Here in the U.S I see nothing but Java. And the "throwing resumes out" with Java sounds more like something you want to add to hurt more than reality. I have never heard of any job "throwing resumes out" based on the skills of the developer or the person applying for a job.

    "It says here that he knows cpp, c, sql, php, python, Java...JAVA!! throw this shit out!"

    Far fetched as fuck b.

    But yeaj, mostly Java, big programming companies usually stick to the JVM around here.
  • 1
    This reminds me of a job offer I read where the requirements are an ipad/iphone developer
  • 3
    @FrodoSwaggins i almost didnt call your mumbling horseshit until you wrote "bad design pattern" and "good for the job" in one comment
  • 3
    @FrodoSwaggins the design pattern you call "bad" is the right tool for the job it is used for, which is enterprise applications. Because when you make twitter, you dont want to worry about dereferencing a pointer you created 2million lines of code ago and crashes your app when you click somewhere.
  • 3
    @FrodoSwaggins would make a lot more sense if i didnt know that your 'right tool' for java's job is c++
  • 4
    Also i still dont get how can you call a design pattern, that is used by literally every other oo language bad, but i guess u r smarter than the whole oracle team together
  • 4
    @FrodoSwaggins bro, you can't say that discretion is important when designing a language when your main tool is cpp, which even though a language that I like, seems to be a prime example of the 'lets add as much as we can' mentallity.

    It really seems far fetched. I agree with the resumee points tho, I go as a computer scientist specializing in software engineering, not as a language code monkey that knows a couple of tricks.
  • 1
    You got so opinionated view on this.

    Tell us the design patterns that are that bad in addition to reflection. If your company is doing lots of C++ it doesn't mean that people who are proficient in Java are bad coders.
  • 1
    Thanks for the good reply. I see your points but have to admit that I'm not well enough educated atm to agree nor disagree. I have no idea how c++ works...

    But which is safer choice in your mind:
    - mediocre c++ programmer or
    - mediocre Java programmer
    With the point about garbage collection in mind.

    And just to be clear I'm not trying to argue, I'm just interested :)
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