
Man going from Rust to other languages is making me go insane

Why does no other language have a high quality, standard documentation tool!? I just want to know what classes and functions you have 😭

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    Rust is VERY opinionated which is not the case of most languages.
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    @Tounai Kinda? rustdoc/docs.rs is just objectively so awesome I can't really complain

    It literally compiles documentation for *all* crates on crates.io for all versions, with types fully interlinked between dependencies, etc etc

    It's just the best thing ever
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    Java did the same years before

    Fuck auto-generated function references, they're not a replacement for proper hand-written documentation
    It achieves the exact opposite: looks like shit and is unusable (no logical grouping, introduction or examples), less devs are willing to spend time because "the magic tool generates everything"
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    @devRancid If you think Java or C++ (doxygen) even comes CLOSE to the Rust experience then you have never used Rust, it's so beautiful

    And yeah, obviously good hand written documentation is even better. But most non rust libraries don't even have auto generated documentation, or at least one that doesn't suck ass (doxygen)!
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    Like this shit is what I have to deal with in JS world (and this is even above average!): https://glmatrix.net/docs/

    Meanwhile in Rust: https://docs.rs/cgmath/latest/...

    Just no comparison, don't even @ me
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    What a joke lmao
    Ugly ass list of names + generic copy paste description. Not even an argument list or return type unless you click on it
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    @devRancid Cry more lmao

    I never said cgmath docs are perfect, but it doesn't even matter because it still lists exactly what I want to know

    What? Your pea brain needs a 3 paragraph description for a function called "vec3" which takes x, y and z and returns a Vector3 like it isn't fucking obvious what it does?

    Auto generated docs aren't the be all end all, but fuck me, 99.9% of non rust libs can't even manage *that*
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    It's truly astonishing how rust fanboys defend a steaming pile of shit
    How about you drink less soy milk and use a real language (C/C++), or is your pea brain too small to write bug/vulnerability-free code?
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    @devRancid WIth all due respect, you're just willfully ignorant because you are afraid Rust will overtake you

    And if that's you're attitude, at some point it will

    I was a retarded Rust hater just like you at some point. Then I got over my ego and started learning it, and I'm not looking back

    Not that Rust is the answer to everything. It has it's issues, both big and small, but you are so blinded by the fear of unknown that you can't even acknowledge the language for what it is. Sad
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    cppreference - its really really good
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    @Demolishun True! -- for the standard library

    Not for any third party c++ libraries
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    I thought I would help out. Turns out there is a street fight going on in here!
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    @12bitfloat yeah, I just google those.
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    @Demolishun Wasn't trying to be mean! I like cppreference a lot, but it's only for std

    That's exactly why I'm so grateful for Rust having a good docs story for all libraries
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    @12bitfloat no, not upset, I noticed the fight after I posted. I thought it was hilarious.

    Edit: gotta upvote this shit and get some more contenders in here!
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    @12bitfloat what you're saying is great about autogenerated docs sounds an awful lot like intellisense of an ide which most languages have an lsp now so works. What have I missed?
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    Average rust experience.
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    It makes your cat ears hang huh? :) Considered mkdocs with the read the docs template? They look like the rust one
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    @atheist Auto complete doesn't give you a full overview of all types, functions, etc

    ... and of course you need to first add the dependency to your project

    Sometimes you just want to see how a few libs are designed so you can choose which one you like best. No problem with docs.rs
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    @Ranchonyx the docs, or the fighting in the comments?
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