
Frustrated that my build system wasn't recognizing a file change I added to my code. It kept telling me that a function didn't exist in the linked object (linker error). I checked everything and stared at this shit for about 15 minutes or more. The signature matched, the function existed, the relevant source files existed. I was starting to imagine impossible scenarios. I cleaned the project and recompiled. No errors, everything linked just fine. Fuck you? I guess...

So I decided to needed to walk around so I went into my bosses office.

me: I don't want to program anymore.
boss: What do you want to do?
me: Shovel shit.
boss: They are the same thing.
me: True...

TLDR: Tool and possibly skill issue results in frustration and humor.

  • 14
    I’ve spent the day fixing someone else’s “I wrote a bunch of scripts to automate all the dev env setup for all the microservices, and kept it up to date!” bash scripts.

    Some of it points to gitlab, some points to a self-hosted gitlab. Answering “No” to optional prompts just repeats the prompts. Some of the steps have error checking and retry, some of just assume everything works (it doesn’t). And starting the script over doesn’t check for progress, but wipes things out and remakes/reconfigures them, fucking up all your existing dev envs.

    It’s such a giant pile of unmaintained shit. I’ve attached a picture for reference.
  • 4
    @Root You're lucky. That's a nice shovel.
  • 2

    the legit people here that still work for someone\something else... like you... always tend to reinforce my life decisions. thank you.

    a few times, whilst consulting, it's been necessary to fix some bash... or batch... pile o' scripts, due to everything suddenly going SNAFU (generally also the reason i was there... not cheap for them).

    the 1st 2x i tried to just find issues and tweek into a viable system-- horrible waste of time and a new black hole created next to any hopes i had for humanity.

    i swear, it was akin to those og cartoon tropes where they find a hole in the boat so they plug it with their finger, then another hole opens... etc
  • 1
    time 2, i gave up\wrote new... asked 2 devs that worked there(w\crap scripts) awhile, apparently disliked each other, to each make a simple, complete, list (and flow) what the crap did. best list won.

    wrote most of it b4 seeing any list. seeing the lists, i had them each format\comment\document what i wrote (high functioning, not pretty, code, esp then).

    showed their work to their sups(lvls up too). i pointed out tons they didn't need me for; they needed like a school chart with gold stars, and the 2 working separately.

    comical as it is, it's mind boggling for me. i get i think differently, on a phys\electrical lvl, but crap like that always seems so obvious to me, despite months+ of failed solutions.

    that said... i pity the fool whod ever need update most of my scripts. think, the concept of CSS, ~5 world languages used, w\abbreviations, no\rare comments & some (nowadays) extreme methods of resource optimisations (like manually using binary for storage based per item\var)
  • 3
    @Root such scripts are always hell to work on. Change, try, crash, cleanup half environment, repeat. Devops is also my biggest nightmare
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