
Why do we post here? Is this just an outlet for our intrusive thoughts? A therapy session for things we can't articulate in meetings? Being able to say controversial things we are not allowed to say other places?

It feels like this place exists outside of time and reality. It really is refreshing, sometimes frustrating, and sometimes really offensive. Things that exist here that would not be tolerated elsewhere:

1. alternate ideas of software, sometimes politics, theories of existence, people liking javascript
2. ostream (I love you man)
3. bullying
4. saying what you really feel
5. telling people to fuck off

What would we do without this place?

Meanwhile my intrusive thoughts:

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    if this becomes an outlet of my "intrusive thoughts" you would not be ready for the giant barrage
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    speaking of therapy and articulation

    what the flying motherfucking fuck: https://rumble.com/v5pqnlz-mafia-ta...

    guess by comparison I have nothing to complain about. Jesus what the fuck. talk about hostile work environment. fucking hell
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    Small tight-knit community of people with common hobbies and domain language.

    I don't think free speech factors into it as much, I say my opinions out loud in your "standard" internet places too. I just come here for the parasocial relationships and dev related jokes and topics :shrug:
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    That being said, if this was some sort or woke snowflake safe space I wouldnt be here, not because of censorship but because I can't stand people like that for extended periods of time
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    Yeah, this place is awesome. Only social media where i feel at home. Maybe we should do some marketing ourselves to get a bit more people on the platform. I have no idea how
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    @Hazarth reddit, you are talking about reddit. lol
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    Love u too bud.

    Fucking hell I have to buy a zoot for my wedding. I hate this. I'm not to zoot person ffs I don't wanna suck up the man.

    After the weddin I swear to god i will send 80% of my income to the taxes otherwise they're gonna end up breaking my bols.
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    @certecignu is it the same levine as in anna karenina?
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    But yea i do feel grateful. I've been kicked off facebook 2 years ago for saying somethin quite innocent
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    To be honest, I miss only so much things from here... Fediverse has injected almost everything that I need from the social network in me and I've made some physical friends on a local Halloween party (let's just say, a few "ru fedi" people gathered in Moscow recently). ☺️
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    @retoor I wouldn’t mind taking the place over, trimming down costs, and reinstating the subscription donations.

    This place really does feel like home. I’d be devastated if it disappeared.
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    @vintprox introduce me to the fediverse
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    @antigermgerm they hide pictures of sinterklaas and black piet under 'racism'. Those people are traitors. https://lemmygrad.ml/post/6262116

    It's a war, a war that only has been 'won' in the west. We don't care about those people here. There was a black guy that said that he would kick down the first black piet he would see that year. So, he had to come to judge, because that could be anyone by tradition and thus a treat. Lawyer of that black person said "It's ok, it's a fictive person". So, he got free. Interesting how offended he is about this fictional character. Also, his grandparents were not slaves, but slave TRADERS. Now he's doing weird art with Dutch girls as slaves why he's as messiah in the middle. As you can see, he forgives us nothing, he rather see us suffering the both. It's a discussion let by crazy people. Mainly wokies. Fact is, that no one ever cared but the new KEPT talking about it. So long, people just got tired and gave in. We have brown piet now. hihi
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    @retoor the child beater?

    I don't give a shit about tradition I hope the mother fucker gets whipped.

    The right loves to beat up children.
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    @retoor like when i was a kid that bitch gave me a piece of coal. Fuck him
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