
You should be able to rate people on LinkedIn, or leave reviews.

The number of absolute fucking idiots I’ve worked with over the years who are on there and whose bios read great, is shocking.

It’s like... wait this guy’s page reads like he’s a total hero.... but in actuality he’s s completely useless fuck-nugget.

  • 9
    Both what @Nanos and you said will be abused heavily and also will just create those fiverr jobs "I will rate your account beyond heaven for 50 cents per million reviews". (or "I will downvote your competitors")
  • 1
    I think it's doable but would require them to do too much dilligence preventing fake accounts for reasons @joshbent mentioned. It would work if everyone could rate everyone and ratings only had weight if users had good ratings themselves, etc. I feel like LinkedIn has become toxic with this shit. The market is ripe for something better, but I guess Slack is /will be moving in on that
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