I thought to implement nmp and webpack for this project. I didnt take in account the difficulty level. Bundling the scss is fine, but the scripts are hell. There are so many. And there not small either, no there are script with 60+ functions and they all need to be available globally.
How this is working in the first place is already a mystery. This has been taking multiple days now and i’m so very fucking tired with it.

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    Do you mean like, NPM?

    Idunno what nmp is.
    Is it some sorta bundler?
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    I'm curious what you mean regarding implementing NPM.

    Was this your first time using NPM? Did you use to have a ton of 3rd party scripts imported before - but now you tried importing them as packages for the first time?
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    Webpack can be notoriously complex though.

    (It really depends - in some new projects I've managed to copy-paste another project's webpack config and just get stuff working asap, in other projects I've got stuck with Webpack issues for a long time)
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    here, puff & pass
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    Webpack? 2015 called
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    @devRancid What do you use instead? I'm looking to get away from WebPack.
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    @devRancid tell 2015 no worries. This project needs an update since 2013 already
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    @antigermanist @antigermanist i chose webpack because i have the most experience with it. I know vitejs as well but im not sure its the best choice for a .net based environment
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    @bad-practice I don't know either. Sorry you have to work with .NET :'(
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    Write your own webpack with blackjack and hookers. It's just concatting some scripts. I made a 'webpack' for C. It makes one big file of all local includes (with ", not with <>). I have a massive framework with many files but it gets compiled into one file only containing my code. No system libraries.
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