Rather than singling out one person, I wanna present what I see as incompetent/stupid/ignorant:
- no will to learn
- failure to follow the very specific instructions & later asking for help when they FUBR sth & not even knowing what they did to fuck up in the first place
- asking how to solve stuff, then ignoring the suggestions & doing sth totally against recommendations
- failure to remember most basic stuff, especially if not writing it down to look at later when needed
- failure to check logs & 'google' stuff before asking why something isn't working the way they want it
- after two weeks, asking me how feature xy works, mind you they coded it, not me
- asking me why they did something in a specific way - WTF, am I a mind reader?! Who designed that crap?! Me or you?!!
- being passive/aggressive & snarky when told to do something or being asked why isn't it done already
- not testing their shit properly
- not making backups when upgrading (production) servers
- not checking the input value, no validation.. even after many many debacles on production with null ref exceptions
- failure to admit they fucked up
- not learning from (their) mistakes

  • 5
    You are oddly specific on some parts, I am guessing you actually did have someone in mind.

    Anyway I agree on every single point, especially admitting wrong doing to yourself and learn from that.
  • 3
    @plusgut Hahaha yes, I searched the history of what really irks me & put it together.. admitedly that one guy who is really really bugging me falls into most categories here.. :(
  • 3
    @sladuled ah shit, did you try to get him fired?
  • 2
    @plusgut I think he is doing this just fine on his own.. :/
  • 2
    @sladuled Well said...😂
  • 1
    Forgot all about checking out whole solution & later checking in all files, even the unchanged ones, making a mess out of everything..

    And the mandatory debugging shit that is still left in..not just comments, but code that breaks the workflow..
  • 1
    @sladuled I think your guy works at my place too. The other day he asked me what’s the point of cleaning up legacy, bad code.
  • 0
    @abhishekb 😂😂😂😂
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