Hey guys,
I'm planning to learn devops but many of my friends says that it doesn't have future for more then 2-3 years...
Any advice should I go with devops or learn something else?

  • 2
    Go for it. It won't die out that soon.
  • 1
    Learn it I mean knowing something well is never bad.
  • 4
    What do you mean learn DevOps? DevOps is a buzzword old corporations use to appeal to new developers. I mean, sure, there is some stuff behind it but our team is "DevOps" and all it means in practice is that we sit in the same room with ops people.
  • 1
    We Need this community to explain what really is devops
  • 1
    Learn it anyway. The principles will still apply to whatever technical operations is calling itself in a few years time.
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