
The new daily.dev survey is funny as heck

  • 4
    lmao, I like coding like it's 1970. This modern bullshit needs to be erradicated, without mercy, shoved back up the very depths of that vast, ominous somber asshole that spawned it. Uncle Bob.

    Also Walruses.
  • 1
    @retoor My position on Walrus is that having a specific operator for "assign and return the assigned value" is utter nonsense.

    In "(X=*F) == Y", the result of the assignment is being checked for equality. It is obvious. Walrus is never obvious. For one, because it does something different in every language. If we don't agree on what the operator means, first and foremost, then it's a bad idea to begin with.

    Second, the reason multiple operators for assignment would even be desirable is making it explicit whether data is being copied rather than transfered. That is a real problem with every OOP reference dungfest, which Python is and so shares in this and every other design flaw. You get Walrus, but this, never properly addressed.

    Third, Walrus van Rossum, word ptr [$ECDE ror 16]; purposefully nonsensical yet absolutely meaningful in it's own way.

    What was I talking about again?
  • 2
    I guess Go is so bland and boring they didn't even bother 😂
  • 2
    C# (Oh, you like Java with extra steps)
  • 1
    Having js on a list of programming languages is the funniest part 😂
  • 0
    @retoor I loved C when I started to learn coding in 2021, declaring variables, specifying sizes, and some other traditional stuff you won't find in langs like Python...I think prolly cos I love old stuff
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