My wife just mixed my genmaicha with her shitty yoga teabags.

Divorce time.

  • 3
    You'll have to learn to live with one hand from then on
  • 1
    @retoor nah but this morning we went to the market and she cooked and I cleaned the dishes and the kitchen. Then we had a fight about money and ate at the table. I became my parents.

    For real though markets are amazing I don't know why anybody would go to the supermarket.

    Also the socialist burgmeister make a remark about how she dressed in red for her wedding coz she's into marx. Real leftist wedding.
  • 2
    How is this your wife if she tea bagging your genmaicha? Not judging.
  • 1
    @Demolishun ik right? if you're not doing it kungfu style at least do it western
  • 2
    genmaicha? yoga teabags? da fuck is that rainbow drink shit.
  • 0
    @UberSalt real men know how to brew japanese green teas.
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