
It’s crazy to think that devRant’s first and last weekly questions were the same

  • 3
  • 3
    That’s exactly 8 years and one week.
  • 0
    Seems like you've got waaaaay too much free time.
  • 1
    @SidTheITGuy bruh they’re literally all there on weekly tab as a list
  • 2
    @retoor I don't know where I am. Everything is a blur. Some dog just shat on my leg and then ate it. I feel dirty and stinky. Everyone appears as shadows and reek of basal. When I drink my bottle of olive oil it doesn't quench my thirst. There is a peace in a foreign world. Maybe when I wake I will find my mushroom burger.
  • 2
    Maybe NULL was coerced into 0 and we got the first element of the list?
  • 5
    @AlgoRythm reminds me of the guy who got NULL as license plate and started getting all the tickets from the cars with no license plate entries.
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