
So any unity dev has advice, documents, tutorial suggestions on creating resuable libraries, packages?
I'm working on a library for the company, and want people to use it as easy and comfortable as possible.

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    1. make 2 folders in your project, one being the package/lib name, other one being something like testbed

    2. EVERYTHING for the package goes into its folder (and subfolders in it), I hate when packages vomit all over my structure so i don't know what's from which one even right after importing so i can't even tidy it up. even Editor extensions, unity looks for any folders named that, not just in root.

    3. code the lib along with coding the testbed.

    4. when done, export, selecting only the lib folder.

    4.5. example scene is nice to see the thing in action, but to actually explain how to use the thing, we have proper docs. those two are not interchangeable, docs are a priority, example scene is a bonus.

    5. all other rules and advice of making any other code libs apply as well.
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    3b. testbed is mainly to test if how the package is being used makes sense, not if it works. i like writing usage code before the lib itself, literally working with those objects before they even exist, writing as if i was already using the finished lib, makes me think about how i want to interface with the thing and prevents me from cutting corners because of "this is the easy way to implement the functionality, doesn't matter that it makes the interface of the lib a bit less clean/elegant/logical".

    design the use/interface to be as comfortable/easy/logical as possible, then force yourself to implement the lib in a way that retains that.
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    @Midnigh-shcode I definitely hate when packages mess up the root assets folder.
    I like DOTweens approach. I may go with it.
    Do you have a particular package suggestion to look for ?
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    @sgfds as in, a good example of how it should be done? sadly, no. the two of mine i'm working on are kind of very experimental (procedural sound generation and procedural mesh generation thingies) so even though i've been working on them for about a year, they're still far from being released or even usable =D
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