
Mkay. Let's talk about Luigi Mangione.

Hero or terrorist?

He was one of us, like it or not.

  • 2
    Murderer, if and only if the dude they said was shot actually was shot and died. I don't trust anything anymore and the weirdness around this makes me distrust even more. Very likely a psyop IMO. Dude carrying a manifesto and still has weapon? Really? I guess he really wanted the McRib really badly.

    Also, I am pretty sure he claimed he was innocent when he said: "It was notta me! It was a Mario!"
  • 4
    "he was one of us"

    he's still alive and I'm surprised people left their morals at the table. all my life I got in shit for saying things that were "too violent" but then this guy kills a rich guy and suddenly all of that goes into the dumpster

    the things keeping people down are the people they think are their friends, not the "rich" everyone is suddenly into hanging

    also makes me further nihilistic. the things society espouses as right and wrong seem to be entirely irrelevant, aren't they?

    how about this, if you gave a fuck about healthcare maybe give a fuck about fluoride in the water and how 90% of your grocery store is literally toxic and not food and how "everyone should be vegetarian, for the environment". the healthcare everybody hates is just preying on the bad decisions y'all made. and this is coming from a mrna COVID vaccine injured person.

    don't tell me this is "giving a shit". it isn't. this isn't anywhere near the rot. y'all are children

    lying is the root of all evil
  • 3
    I personally don't give a shit about anything. I've learned my lesson at a very young age that society kills its heroes. (Or rather "Like Saturn, the revolution devours its children.")

    Still I find taking a moral stance and not being a coward, extremely attractive. But the guy, unless a shizo, doesn't fit the bill. Why physically murder someone when you have all the tools to politically murder them?
  • 6
    Good guy. Funny how this shit only matters when some rich cunt is the one that died. If it was some random poor schmuck they’d be like “dunno lol”.
  • 4
    Not a hero nor a villain. As far as Im concerned anyone working at an insurance company has it comming. If your job is literally praying on peoples health and lives then you are walking an extremely thin line. It doesn't make the CEO look any better that the insurance company he worker for was known as one of the *most* predatory in the US. Still, Luigi is not a hero, he didn't really solve anything or saved anyone by doing this, but I understand why he would do it. Whether It's revenge, desperation, some sort of twisted morality, or actual mental health issues, these are the people that pose a threat if you're litterally known as the CEO of a company that ruins lives on the daily.

    As such, Im really not interested in this case in general. It's a completely predictable ending.
  • 3
    What america needs is mandatory guns. If everybody had guns there would be no more shootings. Everybody should have a gun at all time from age 5. If you can't access your firearms in less then 5 seconds => you get shot.
  • 1
    seriously though we got universal healthcare in 1885 after a general strike during which they shot at the crowd.

    Americans just dont have what it takes.
  • 0
    They're setting him up for a death penalty...
    What the absolute fuck?
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    Edit: I mean they're charging him with things that have a death penalty as punishment.
    To me it sounds like they're scaring people, rather than him. Why tho?
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    @NoMad can't have a civil war if you don't have martyr's in the cause of rich vs poor? I see a lot of events as false flags in order to get the public to act. Then the government can declare martial law and do a gun grab.

    Something else you should ask. Why was Patriot Front disbanded when the FBI director resigned? People paying attention always understood Patriot Front was feds. Why would feds pretend to be white supremacists and march with nazi flags?

    Nothing is as it seems. Especially when the media amplifies the message.
  • 0
    @NoMad the peasants are revolting. An example must be made so they’re reminded that they should be happy to get table scraps.
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