
Today, I was telling a team member who joined recently to refer a GitHub repo, fork it and start working.

That person asks me, "Why GitHub, why should I access it etc". I blanked out after hearing the first question, so whatever said after that wasn't registered in my mind.

I asked that person "how did you do it in your previous org ?"

The response was, "we zip the code at end of everyday and store it as draft in our mailbox"

I stormed out of the workplace, even though it was just around mid of the day...

  • 29
    Wow, nice way to leave your coworker who obviously had never had to use git before hanging when he might've needed you.
  • 5
    @jmclemo6 actually, I stormed out to go see the person who interviewed and selected that team member !! Anyways had to come back and give a primer and cheat sheet to get him started...
  • 2
    Is (s)he a fresher or with experience?
  • 3
    Storing code drafts in zips, is like writing a book with a bunch of paper, in the wind...
  • 0
    @github he has some experience, but with an internal IT team of a small company which specializes in manufacturing, but still he hadn't thought about version control.
  • 0
    I hope you aren’t kidding! 😥
  • 0
    @jmclemo6 learning version control should be from school/university. Isn't it the case?
  • 2
    @haithamSboui it should be taught during that time, but isn't always. For example, as far as I know, there's only one class in my entire CS program that teaches Git and it's an elective class.
  • 1
    You stormed out because someone hadn't used source control before? That's a bit of an overreaction and kind of makes you look like incompetent one in this story.
  • 0
    @jmclemo6 I had a compulsory course and I got to learn vcs there, not git particularly but vcs in general
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